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Gastrointestinal (GI) Effects

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The most common side-effects of NSAIDs are constipation and indigestion, because they are acidic in nature and also promote acid production in the stomach.

Nausea and heartburn are common problems, which may be relieved by ensuring that you take the medication during or after a meal.

It may also be helpful to reduce other irritating factors such as coffee, spicy food, alcohol and smoking.

Antacid preparations such as Maalox or Gaviscon may help to relieve the symptoms, but if they persist, you should seek advice from your doctor.

Antacids may actually reduce the effectiveness of the NSAID medication as they will reduce its absorption.

See below for other methods of reducing this problem.

NB. The motility stimulant drug Cisapride (Prepulsid) which may have been used to treat symptoms of indigestion, has been withdrawn from use due to serious adverse effects such as cardiac arrythmias.