So what IS new in the last 6 months. Not a lot I am afraid. Too much in the way of illness's, flare-ups and the usual set backs we all have.
For years I have never posted to the website direct, wanting to leave it just for DocSarah and her articles. Trouble is her health has been little better than mine and the rest of us.
Things haven't stood still though. We (I mean the local support group) have been active in other area's. More about them under their own headings.
DocSarah's questionnairre has been my biggest single goal this year. I needed to get it online. I finally secured the funding for it. Set it all up and then the fun began.
I value DocSarah's friendship more than anything and respect her professionalism. However we have very different views on arachnoidiitis and the way forward.
WE have learnt over the years to compromise because I sincerely believe she is the only person who can ultimately help us. Maybe not in the way we would want.